a practice for a positive mindset

When you put your observer hat on and watch your thoughts, what do you notice?

The number one barrier we have to self-actualization is our mind. Limiting thoughts, negative self-talk - they keep us small, stuck, weak. Our thoughts can make us a victim of our circumstances. Where there is always something wrong.

Negative thinking also takes a lot of time and energy. These thoughts spin worry and stress like a fog that never seems to lift.  If your actions come from a negative mindset, are you in your highest self?

What if you transformed your mind into your biggest champion?

Our mind has the ability to be one of our greatest assets. Through positive thought you are able to boost your self esteem and confidence, go for your dreams, speak up in hard moments, and so much more. You can make the impossible, possible.

A practice for creating a positive mindset

I am a big fan of mantras. Mantras are repeated words or sentences you say to yourself to create a desired feeling. I use mantras all the time with my clients and I use them myself every day. If you are thinking that you’re not into mantras, I challenge you to become aware that you may have mantras already that you're not conscious to. Instead of being positive they can sound like - I can’t, I’m not good enough, not again.

Reframing our thoughts requires a reframe in what we say to ourselves.

This week I invite you to practice saying this simple mantra everyday for a week:

I choose my thoughts.

Give it a try. See what happens.


a practice to get clear


the power of thoughts