the process of consciously evolving

There’s often this sense that a new year brings new energy. New start, new year, new you (insert image of a shiny, glowing you smiles to the nines).

For some, a new year is the kick to make what you’re seeking real. For others, like me, it’s still… deep winter with shorter days and things still completing their course from the previous year.

What’s new is the moment. You see, every moment we are evolving. Who you were when you started reading this is not who you are now. That thing you wrote or built or created last year… it’s a good thing if you would do it differently today. It means you are growing, learning… becoming.

I have dreams and goals for this year. For now, I come back to simple practices to stay calm, clean, and strong. So that I can evolve consciously.

This means:

  • Prioritizing fundamentals like sleep and water. 

  • Longer meditations, sometimes in bed when I don’t have it in me to sit on a cushion. 

  • Reading full articles about social issues I care about instead of quick fixes on social. 

  • Talking with friends and family. 

  • I started swimming in the ocean (yes the water 4oC over here on the west coast!). 

  • I am making more space between coaching sessions and starting later in the morning to allow for whatever is needed.

What do you need to consciously evolve?

Some coaching questions to support you?

Who are you being as you do your work in the world?

Who do you want to become?

Where are you bleeding time? Where can you reclaim it?

When you give yourself permission to evolve you give yourself permission to become the person you’re here to be. Every day is a new day to begin.


things I’ve learned after 7,500 hrs of coaching people


2021 goals